Ledger.com/Start® | Official Gitbook | Ledger Support

To initiate the setup process for your Ledger device, you can visit the official Ledger website at ledger.com/start. This webpage offers comprehensive guidance and resources for configuring and initializing your Ledger hardware wallet. Here's what you'll typically find on ledger.com/start:

  1. Setup Instructions: Detailed step-by-step instructions on how to set up your Ledger device for first-time use. This usually includes unboxing your device, connecting it to your computer or mobile device, and initializing it through the Ledger Live application.
  2. Firmware Updates: Information on how to check for and install firmware updates for your Ledger device. Keeping your device's firmware up to date is essential for maintaining its security and functionality.
  3. Getting Started Guides: Helpful guides and tutorials to assist you in familiarizing yourself with your Ledger device and managing your cryptocurrency assets securely.
  4. Troubleshooting Tips: Solutions for common issues that users may encounter during the setup or operation of their Ledger device. These troubleshooting tips can help you resolve any technical difficulties you may experience.
  5. Support Resources: Links to additional support resources, including frequently asked questions (FAQs), user manuals, and contact information for customer support. If you need further assistance, you can reach out to Ledger's support team for help.
  6. Security Recommendations: Best practices for enhancing the security of your Ledger device and safeguarding your cryptocurrency assets. This includes setting up PIN codes, enabling passphrase protection, and securely storing your recovery phrase.